About Victoria Kincaid

Victoria Kincaid is the author of several popular Jane Austen variations, including The Secrets of Darcy and Elizabeth, Pride & Proposals, When Mary Met the Colonel, Darcy vs. Bennet, President Darcy, and Mages and Mysteries. All of her books have been listed in Amazon’s Top 20 Bestselling Regency Romances.  The Secrets of Darcy and Elizabeth was nominated for a Rone award and Pride and Proposals was recognized as a top Austenesque novel for 2015 by Austenesque Reviews. She is the host of the annual JAFF Reader/Writer Get Together.

Victoria has a Ph.D. in English literature and now writes marketing materials for IT companies. It’s more interesting than it sounds, but it’s not as interesting as writing Jane Austen variations. She lives in Virginia with an overly affectionate cat, an excessively energetic dog, and a husband who fortunately is not jealous of Mr. Darcy.  A lifelong Austen fan, Victoria has read more Jane Austen variations and sequels than she can count – and confesses to an extreme partiality for the Colin Firth miniseries version of Pride and Prejudice.

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