
Giveaways Galore!

Just this week there are three different sites featuring Giveaways of President Darcy!

Austenesque Reviews has a giveaway and a blog post about Finding the Perfect Darcy!

So Little Time…has a giveaway, a blog post about the presidential limousine (nicknamed the Beast), and an excerpt!

And at Austen Authors, I offer a giveaway, an excerpt, and a post about how a Regency Gentleman is like the President of the United States!

Giveaways of A Very Darcy Christmas!

I’m lucky enough to be a guest at three different blogs which are offering excerpts and giveaways of A Very Darcy Christmas.  Check it out!

Giveaway and Guest Blog at From Pemberley to Milton

From Pemberley to Milton

Check out my guest blog about Chaos Comes to Longbourn at the From Pemberley to Milton blog. I describe the challenges I faced in the novel when writing from eight (!) different points of view. There’s also an excerpt: a conversation between Darcy and Lydia that is doomed from the start. 🙂

You can also enter a Giveaway (ebook or paperback–winner’s choice)!

Winners of the Giveaway!

Congratulations to the winners from the Capture Mr. Darcy Launch Party giveaway.  The launch party was lots of fun.  When my block of time was over I was sad; it was so neat to correspond real-time with readers.

Donna Brown — Darcy vs. Bennet
Tgruy — Your choice of my books.

Please get in touch with me by email or facebook and we can work out delivery.  Thank you to everyone who participated!

Launch Party Giveaway of Two Books!


As part of the Launch Part for Elizabeth Ann West’s To Capture Mr. Darcy, I am giving away two copies of my books:  One copy of my latest novel, Darcy vs. Bennet, and one copy of the winner’s choice of my other books.  It can be an ebook or a paperback (winner’s choice).  International is okay.  Just reply to this blog (by Midnight on April 28) to enter!

Guest Blog and Giveaway at Diary of an Eccentric

I’m a guest today at Diary of an Eccentric where I talk about how I wove together elements of the plot for Romeo and Juliet with Pride and Prejudice–and an excerpt from the  Meryton assembly scene. There’s also a Giveaway of an ebook or paperback (winner’s choice)!

Double Giveaway! Darcy vs. Bennet and When Mary Met the Colonel!

From Pemberley to Milton is doing a double giveaway of my new novel, Darcy vs. Bennet, and my recent novella, When Mary Met the Colonel.  There’s also an interview – check it out.  Rita asked some very interesting questions.